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It's Tappy Hour 
Women Soulpreneurs

Align your energy, actions, and goals with your soul!


Use EFT/Tapping to shake off the fight, flight, and freeze response behaviors that hold you back, trip you up, and keep you small, so you can move forward, grow your business, and live your purpose.

This online tapping circle is for you if you spend your days...

building a business serving others and you crave a safe place to land and be held while acknowledging, accepting, and letting go of all that does not serve you. It's a place to commune with other souls on the entrepreneurial journey and use the power of EFT/Tapping & Matrix Future Imprinting to transmute energy from your week, your past, your body, your mind, your ancestry and use it as fuel to create your future reality.

 "I didn't even realize what was stressing me out until the tapping circle gave me the opportunity to access what was below the surface. I feel amazing after every session and it's helped me to move forward in my business."

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Sue Williams

Holistic Nutritionist

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How it Works...

Each session is a small intimate, and completely confidential experience where I guide you through a unique process of gently yet powerfully calming your nervous system so your body feels safe enough to relax, then reveal and release the hidden thoughts, suppressed emotions, and subconscious beliefs that are sabotaging your inspired action and hijacking your success.


I introduce a variety of tapping techniques that you will use to discover, dissolve, and transmute the specific stressors, thoughts, and fears that are in your energy field and in direct contrast to what your soul wants to create through you and your business. 


Everyone will be tapping and a few members will have an opportunity to receive 1-1 hot spot sessions while the rest of the group maximizes a phenomenon called borrowed benefits. 


The focus in this Tappy Hour Circle is to support Soulpreneurs.


This is a great benefit because the topics will be applicable to everyone regardless of who is in the hot seat. 


You'll call in your higher self, guides, and even your future and past self for insights, direction, and support.


Then you will have time and space to capture and share those insights and transform them into specific actions you can take immediately.  

(Tappy Hour "Napkin Pack" Included)


We end every circle with a round of "tapping it in" and affirming the insights, progress, and connections you have made so that you leave the circle feeling confident, rejuvenated, and grounded in taking the next steps to move your business and your purpose forward. 


Something magical happens when like minded open hearted humans come together to share a soulful connection and a passionate purpose. 


We are not meant to do this work alone. 




and elevate your energy, your business, and your life!


Combine the 
mystical and the practical

  • Get still, tune in, and hear your soul guidance

  • Get still, tune in, and feel your fear in order to transmute it

  • Connect with your business as an energetic essence here to support you and your purpose

  • Tap to transmute energy and move from blocked to brilliant

  • Capture and claim your soul goals for your business

  • Acknowledge the numbers and look at your accounts

  • Take inspired action and move the needle 

  • Be accountable and course correct

  • Build products, services, and systems that work

I created this experience because as a soul-o-preneur myself I know how important it is to allow ourselves to be supported and how hard that can be to actually do.


I made it easy for you. 


We'll tap and release common thoughts and themes like...

  • fear of putting yourself out there

  • overwhelm with all the tasks to do

  • fear of not being good enough

  • fear of being too busy

  • fear of being "found out"/imposter syndrome

  • feeling ungrounded with too many ideas

  • false belief that no one will pay for what I offer

  • getting out of your own way

  • resistance to looking at the numbers


  • creating boundaries with yourself and others

  • asking for help

  • working all of the time

  • ​​fear of not having enough clients

  • chasing shiny objects or shiny opt-ins!

  • fear of charging too much and too little

  • fear of being too rich/wealthy/abundant/successful

  • not living up to your full potential and missing your purpose

  • And so much more

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Jane Norton

Living Nature's Design

"In the last session I attended, I was agitated and tired when it started, I calmed down but was feeling really exhausted halfway through and by the end, I was relaxed and had balanced energy to enjoy the rest of my evening."


Vikki Spencer

Women's Retreat Leader

Author, Speaker, Coach

"Shannan, thank you for following your own hard roads so you can reach a hand out for us. So grateful for our session."

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Rochelle Schulz

Certified EFT Practioner

"I’m so grateful for the healing and transformation I’ve experienced working with Shannan. She provides a safe space to process the most delicate of issues with wisdom and grace.I highly recommend her and the tapping circle!"

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Angie Heiman

Certified EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

"I felt heard, supported, and inspired during this epic hour of releasing my week and calling in the peace, joy, and abundance I wanted to embody.

It was an incredible way to finish my week!"


Humanity is undergoing an epic shift and we each came here to help facilitate the ride in our own unique way.


Let's tap it out and get on with doing what we came here to do. 


Are you ready to rise up together?

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